Time Tunnel Local Museum
Location: Brinchang
The Time Tunnel is billed as "The Local Museum", the first memorabilia museum in Malaysia. Opened since February 2007, it's the brainchild of 45-year-old See Kok Shan, an avid collector who believes that all that's old is gold.
See grew up in Cameron Highlands. So in addition to what he buys, he also has lots of interesting stuff about the resort town, especially old pictures. There's a comparison picture of the Convent Primary School building in Tanah Rata and one dating back to the 1950s when it served as the British Military Hospital. According to a framed handwritten note, it used to be a boarding school for European children from 1935 to 1941, before the Japanese Occupation. He even has a blown-up picture of P.Ramlee's old identity card.
There are two exhibition levels in Time Tunnel. Hop up a short flight of steps and you'd find yourself along a narrow ledge with exhibits on the floor, on tables and on shelves at eye-level.
"This is one of the most popular sections, especially with old aunties," says See, chuckling as he recalls how an old woman, mesmerised and lost in her own memories of when she was a child herself, just stood there for the longest time. This is the kitchen section with a display of an old makeshift stove as well as charcoal stoves, kerosene stoves, charcoal iron, grinding stones, old tiffin carriers and meat-safes with wire-netting on the doors.
"Visitors, especially those aged 50 and above, are thrilled to see all these things from their childhood," says See. "notice that Singaporeans in particular, love the place and theyd bring their children and grandchildren and point out to them all the exhibits."
Source From: http://travel.nst.com.my/

Time Tunnel UT/MR/F-255, Jalan Sungai Burong, 39100 Brinchang
Cameron Highlands.
Website: timetunnel.cameronhighlands.com
Copyright 2009 by CameronHighlandsInfo.com. All Rights reserved. E-Mail: webmaster@cameronhighlandsinfo.com
Adult: RM5.00
Child: RM3.00
OPENING HOURS : 9.00am - 6.00pm daily